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Get the insider view from Co-Founder Marc

Get the insider view of the world's most coveted smart candle from Co-Founder Marc.

  1. What inspired the Travel Nostalgia Collection? The inspiration came from the root of what SENSORI+ is all about; Sense of Service. When back in June I was thinking about the upcoming Holiday season, I couldn't stop thinking about the places I have visited and the joy I feel when I remember the unique experiences each destination offers us. There is a cheeky smile each time we look at the photos we’ve taken on our holidays and my wish for this holiday season is many of those cheeky smile moments for all fellow explorers. 
  2. Do you have a special travel memory or story that evokes the senses that we can share in regards to this collection? Yes of course! Each of the three candles, Santorini Breeze, Florence Bells and Asakusa Zen are developed based on my personal experience. Each has a journey, a story and an everlasting state of mind which I cherish and shared without any filter as a small paragraph on the actual candle. I hope our customers enjoy reading the short stories and be transported to these iconic places. 
  3. What does travel mean to you? Throughout childhood & now. Is it connected to family, place, belonging etc. My first trip was when I was just a few months old but it’s fair to say traveling has been part of my way of being from the very beginning. I am an explorer at core and discovering new places, cultures, people, art and so on are privileges we might have taken for granted pre-pandemic. I recall my childhood years was split of two halves marked by the two annual trips. A summer and winter holiday where we could escape from our daily shells and expand our horizons into the unknown of places and all they have to offer. To date and unlike many of my friends I am in love with airports, their buzz, the energy and the promise they all carry, They will transport you! 
  4. Have you travelled to these places before? (Or some of them) Yes indeed. I’ve been lucky that travel has always been very well integrated into my work and life. 
  5. If yes, what is the significance of these places, what do they mean to you? Tokyo and certainly Asakusa has a unique conforming energy, a sense of peace despite extreme contrasts one would experience. The stunning traditional Kimono wore by Japanese teenagers walking alongside the pink coloured hair Eldary dressed in the futuristic fashion outfit, the fast pace of pedestrians Shinjuku passing the woman staring at the floral arrangement. Taking 6 full hours appreciating the art and decoding the intentions in absolute serenity; all these paradoxes coexisting in harmony where cherry blossoms are the common scent of joy and the temple is the safe space where all colours unite. For me there is no better demonstration of being in Zen state than the the one I feel in Asakusa where effortless serenity is the state of mind regardless of the decoration and the chaos outside. 
  6. Going live in the pandemic, how would you describe your own nostalgic feelings of travel at this time? Potentially being distanced from family or friends overseas? I see the pandemic as a reminder which got loud as we chose not to hear it when it was whispering in our ears. A reminder of what matters, what are the consequences of our actions, what are our responsibilities beyond immediate and why it is so important to mean every hello and cherish every last good bye hug. To me Nostalgia is a sweet escape with two tales; First is gratitude, being thankful for the experience worth remembering and secondly the commitment of adding the lessons learnt to the toolbox of life. When I lit my Santorini Breeze candle, scanned the QR code and started to listen to the soundtrack and stared at the stunning image on the candle, before I knew it and in an effortless state, I realized I was there…I was thinking how lucky to have been there, how humble I am for the privilege and how much I admired the sense of optimism and passion for life I saw in Greeks. My Santorini Breeze is the glass half full mindset I learnt from the Islander not giving up smile despite the hardships of life.
  7. Sneak peak: Where will SENSORI+ bring us next? Just general future ideas for expansion! SENSORI+ is like the ecco, the reflection and the partner to the community. Our product development is not based on popularity of the similar products or brands sales, we develop solutions purely based on listening to the community and our problem solving mindset. Currently we are obsessed with reducing the negative impacts of Covid on physical and mental health. We are anticipating the future of travel and We are asking ourselves many “What Ifs”, 


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