Project Green

Our Ingredients & Formulations
• We only use 100% Vegan certified ingredients.
• All our formulations are free from more than 100 nasties including synthetic fragrances, acrylates, styrene, to name a few.
• All our ingredients are ethically sourced.
• Full compliance with the most credible safety and ethical grading organisations and regulators.
• We are 100% Cruelty Free and 100% against animal testing.

Our Packaging & VM
• Our packaging is Biodegradable & most product vessels are recyclable.
• 100%of paper used as product instructions are certified as sustainable.
• All our VM material and free-standing stores are following sustainability principles and gradings.

Our Operations & Behaviour
• Investing on a tester free program.
• Our logistics and shipment partners are carbon neutral certified.
• Our suppliers are Child labour and ethical sourcing committed.
• We support foundations which keep our ecosystem safe.
We have set ourselves bold, measurable targets for 2025 on our contribution to solving the challenges of the world.
95%of our ingredients will be clean, bio-based, derived from abundant minerals or from circular processes.
100%of our plastic packaging will be refillable, recyclable, reusable and compostable.
-50%reduction on average and per finished products the greenhouse emissions linked to transport of our products, compared to 2019.
100%of our sites will have achieved carbon neutrality by improving energy efficiency and using 100% renewable energy.

Your contribution
Reduce, Re-use, Recycle ♻️
We introduced a recycling initiative to encourage customers to recycle our vessels.
“The environmental challenges the planet is facing today are unprecedented. It is vital for all of us to take sustainability seriously and do our part to preserve a safe living space for humanity and all those whom we are sharing this planet with.
Thankfully Sustainability is not a new concept to SENSORI+; The brand is built based on the idea of a greener future and similar to most initiatives it takes a shared vision to achieve this goal which is why we are actively working with our suppliers and partners to join us on this journey.
Project Green 2025, is our way to accelerate and going beyond our direct environmental impact, helping consumers to make more sustainable choices, as well as generating a positive social and environmental contribution. To operate within the limits of the planet is what we all as a human race must respect and adapt to in order to preserve a greener tomorrow for the generations to come”